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Myanmar’s education system is in great need of development, and many of the children who come to Mercy Outreach’s community centres are lacking educational support. Trained staff teach the children to think creatively and gain skills in decision making—all while receiving a basic education.

Vocational Training

Community centres address the challenge of unemployment by providing skills training. The two main programmes we support training in sewing and computer skills. These training programmes are avenues to encourage entrepreneurship and give participants a competitive edge as they apply for jobs. Helping men and women develop tangible skills that empower them to obtain meaningful work is having a long-term impact on local communities.


Women's Empowerment

Women’s Transformation Groups empower local women to improve their own lives and the lives of people in their community. Through Transformation Groups, each community centre provides a safe place for women to learn practical life skills, receive anti-violence training, develop financial skills and pursue entrepreneurship.

Food and Water programmes

“For when you saw me hungry, you fed me. When you found me thirsty, you gave me something to drink…” Matthew 25:35

In the communities where each centre is located, hunger and thirst are at the forefront of people’s minds. Every day, food and clean water programmes provide nutritious food and clean water to people in the community.

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